Thursday, June 13, 2013

  I used to be a writer. I was also a newspaper editor. Used to be. Key words. I thought I could easily blog and since I once had a column, I thought...'no problem'. Things to write about? That's easy, right?
I can't think of one thing to 'blog' about.
That's not true. I can think of many. However they are all very 'uninteresting' or ....worse yet, controversial in the world I hang out in. (the Jewelry world to be specific).
  You see, I could blog about people being 'INSPIRED' (in·spi·ra·tion
 [ ìnspə ráysh'n ]   
  1. stimulation to do creative work: stimulation for the human mind to creative thought or to the making of art
  2. somebody or something that inspires: somebody or something that inspires somebody to creative thought or to the making of art
  3. creativeness: the quality of being stimulated to creative thought or activity, or the manifestation of this
  However if I wrote about that I think the angry me would come out and I would be typing away madly, literally. 
  Yes, I have been copied on numerous occasions, but just recently it went straight into the gut, and the heart.
  Someone I 'trusted' ('meet' people online and 'trust') Those two might not go hand in hand. That aside, someone I really did trust asked a lot of questions about something I designed. I write tutorials, so explaining was easy, and I did. It's not a tutorial and I had no plans for it to become one just yet.   
  Then it happened. (One thing you should know: I only posted a  photo of said object on my FB page, not a 'group' page) Alrighty then, back to 'it happened'. 
  She posted on a group we both belong to. She posted a photo of her 'version' of my design, which I might add, was identical to MY DESIGN. Credit to THE DESIGNER? No. 
 So that brings me to: Do I share? Do I trust?  Do I stay in these 'groups' and expose myself or do I hide in my own little corner in my own little chair? 
  It's six of one 1/2 dozen of the other.
  Wait. Did I hear you say that this is a form of 'flattery'? What planet did you come from? REALLY? It is a form a STEALING.  I'm about as flattered as I was the time the lady in the department store asked when I had the mastectomy. (I hadn't had one) WHOA. Slap slap I wanna slap slap slap.    I didn't. I said....'Yesterday". Ok...enough about the 'Ta Ta's'. (for now anyway)
  So suck it up and move forward right? Do what? I can't do anything. I could say something to her but I KNOW she would blatantly tell me I was wrong and that it was 'her idea'. (why do people do that when they know THEY are not right?).
  Being right is so important to so many people. That kind of cracks me up, just a little bit. No, not really. It cracks me up a LOT. 
 Why is being 'right' so important? No one has all the answers, but I sure know of plenty who think they do. I could so easily name each and every one of them. That would take the better part of my day, and in all honesty, I find it leaves a bad taste in my mouth when I or anyone else 'call people out'. BUT WATCH OUT .............THE DAY WILL COME. (If you have screwed me over, hang on to your hat, just saying).  (just never know when I'm gonna blow right D.A.?) THAT is a story for another day. (IF those are your initials, no, it's not you. That one doesn't even know I have a blog.)
 Back to being right. THAT is so irritating. One person in particular. If I say it's blue she says it's green. If I say it's night she says it's day. She has to disagree with me 100% of the time and she IS always right. Not so much. Enough about all that, I'm gaggin' just a little bit. 

  Yes, there are copyright laws to protect 'yourself'. Try going to court on that one. You'll lose so much money it's insane. I know someone who did just that. Fought it to the bitter end. The end was thousands of dollars spend and then it finally got tossed out of court like a stinky forgeten 'I have no idea what this is' in the fridge.

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